Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 17

Tylenol, rest and lots and lots of liquids... I've had a terrible cold/flu and feel so sorry for little baby Pedersen! My throat was extremely sore, fever (not above 101 degrees though, thankfully!), achy, congested, tired, etc. Daddy took super great care of us, even driving to another part of town to get us a jamba juice with immunity booster. I spent 5 full days in bed. I read online that I will develop antibodies to this strain and pass those onto the baby so she won't get this - here's to hoping because its a rough one. Now I'm left with an icky head cold and all the loveliness that accompanies that stage. However, we are officially on the mend and I anticipate we'll be 100% by Friday. The belly is really growing now, so exciting. Love & hugs to all...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 15 (one day from Week 16)

Happy St. Patrick's Month! Cheers! Our little part Irish baby danced along with me to Daddy's band "The Fooks" for 4 straight hours last night at The Harp in Ocean Beach. We got quite a workout! Also, the band was kind enough to play for free beer at my favorite organization, The Irish American Bar Association's St. Patty's Day Happy Hour on Thursday. The Fooks will be playing on the Fox Morning News here in San Diego tomorrow and on the blessed day itself they are playing the ShamRock in San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter. Our lives have revolved around the band these last few weeks, and needless to say, the baby is looking forward to the band-free weeks ahead (not me of course, I'm incredibly supportive). Anyway, the belly is continuing to grow as pictured below, love and hugs to all!

Saturday, March 7, 2009